Found: 99 results
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Annual meeting and seminar of EUROSAI TFMA working group for auditing of municipalities in Lisbon (Portugal)

Representative of the Supreme Office for the Republic of Srpska Public Sector Auditing dr Bojan Ćurić – senior auditor for financial audit, attended the seminar and the third annual meeting of the EUROSAI TFMA for the audit of the municipalities in Lisbon (Portugal). The seminar was attended by representatives from 27 supreme audit institutions: Portugal, […]

Representatives of the Supreme Audit Office visited the Audit Court of Austria and the General Secretariat of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions

In the organization of the United Nations Agency for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women (UN Women), representatives of the Supreme Audit Office of the Republic of Srpska Public sector paid a study visit to Wiena (Austria) in the period from October 10 to 13. Representatives of supreme audit institutions visited the Parliamentary Budget Office […]

The Supreme Audit Office and the OSCE presented the Glossary of Audit Terms for Prosecutors’ Needs

On Wednesday 05.10.2022. In the premises of the Supreme Audit Office of the Republic of Srpska Public sector, the Glossary of Audit Terms for the needs of prosecutors was presented, which the Supreme Audit office created in cooperation with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The purpose of the Glossary is to […]

Article by the Supreme Audit Office published in the EUROSAI TFMA newsletter

The EUROSAI TFMA Municipal Audit Working Group has published its 5th newsletter, which presents the recent activities and events of this working group. The Supreme Audit Office of Republika Srpska public sector and other TFMA members (SAIs of Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Spain) and partner NORPIA […]

The President of the State Audit Institution of Serbia visited the Supreme Audit Office of the Republic of Srpska Public Sector

On July 12, 2022, the President of the State Audit Institution of the Republic of Serbia, Dr. Duško Pejović, visited the Supreme Audit Office of the Republic of Srpska Public Sector and met with Auditor General Jovo Radukić and Deputy Auditor General Božana Trninić. The meeting was organized within the framework of the Agreement on […]

Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Supreme Audit Office of the Republic of Srpska public sector and UN Women

On Monday, June 13, 2022, A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the United Nations Agency for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and the Supreme Audit Office of the Republic of Srpska Public Sector. The memorandum was signed by Auditor General Jovo Radukic and David Saunders, UN Women Representative in Bosnia […]

Representative of the Main Audit Office participated in the work of the expert part of the EUROSAI Congress

Head of Sector for Development, Methodology, and Quality Control of the Main Audit Office of the Public Sector of the Republic of Srpska, Renata Čajić-Kužet, participated in the work of the expert part of the Congress of the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI), which took place in Prague from 22-24. May 2022. The […]

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