Found: 99 results
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Establishment of Business Zones in the Republic of Srpska

The Supreme Office for the Republic of Srpska Public Sector Auditing has conducted a performance audit titled “Establishment of Business Zones in the Republika Srpska”. The purpose of this performance audit was to examine the causes that affect the success of the process of establishing business zones in the Republic of Srpska, as well as […]

Professional cooperation agreement of two SAIs renewed

Ph.D. Dusko Pejovic, President of the State Audit Institution of the Republic of Serbia, and Jovo Radukic Auditor General of the Republika Srpska signed a cooperation agreement between the two audit institutions. During the one-day visit of the delegation of the Supreme Office for the Republic of Srpska Public Sector Auditing to Belgrade, a working […]

Еfficiency of the collection and use of fees for public roads in the registration of motor vehicles and trailers

Supreme Office for the Republic of Srpska Public Sector Auditing has conducted a performance audit entitled “Еfficiency of the collection and use of fees for public roads in the registration of motor vehicles and trailers”. The main subject of this performance audit is the collection and use of the public road fees payable when registering […]

Participation in a regional workshop

Organized by the World Bank, which cooperates with the Network of Parliamentary Committees for Economy, Finance and European Integration, in Podgorica (Montenegro) in period from 12th till 14th November 2019 was held Regional Workshop “Strengthening Liaison between Parliaments and Supreme Audit Institutions in order to improve the Performance of External Audit in the Western Balkans”. […]

XXIII Congress of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI)

The XXIII Congress of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) was held in Moscow from 25th till 28th September 2019, attended by Deputy of Auditor General Bozana Trninic on behalf of The Supreme Office for the Republic of Srpska Public Sector Auditing. Two major topics were discussed at the Congress: Information technologies for […]

Seminar and 6th annual meeting of the EUROSAI TFMA working group for the audit of municipalities in Lithuania

The representative of the Supreme Audit Office of the Republic of Srpska Public sector, Dr. Bojan Ćurić – senior auditor for financial audit, attended the seminar on “Digitalization of the provision of public services and administration in municipalities” and the sixth annual meeting of the EUROSAI TFMA working group for the audit of municipalities in […]

Performance audit “Public procurement management in the Republic of Srpska`s Healthcare”

The Supreme Office for the Republic of Srpska Public Sector Auditing has conducted a performance audit titled “Public procurement management in the Republic of Srpska`s Healthcare”. The purpose of this performance audit was to examine the management of centralized public procurement in the Republic of Srpskas Healthcare and its impact on the functioning of public […]

Performance Audit ” Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities”

The SAI of Republic of Srpska has conducted a performance audit named ”Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities”. The main objective of this audit is to answer the question:” Whether the current level of engaged resources for the purposes of rehabilitation and training of persons with disabilities, as well as financial incentives and […]

Performance audit “Management of special-purpose forestry funds”

The Supreme Office for the Republic of Srpska Public Sector Auditing has conducted a performance audit titled “Management of special-purpose forestry funds”. The purpose of this performance audit was to answer the question of whether the special-purpose forest funds are managed efficiently, i.e. to determine whether these funds are planned, allocated and spent in accordance […]

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