09. 11. 2022.
Annual meeting and seminar of EUROSAI TFMA working group for auditing of municipalities in Lisbon (Portugal)
24. 10. 2022.
Representatives of the Supreme Audit Office visited the Audit Court of Austria and the General Secretariat of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions
06. 10. 2022.
The Supreme Audit Office and the OSCE presented the Glossary of Audit Terms for Prosecutors’ Needs
05. 10. 2022.
Article by the Supreme Audit Office published in the EUROSAI TFMA newsletter
13. 07. 2022.
The President of the State Audit Institution of Serbia visited the Supreme Audit Office of the Republic of Srpska Public Sector
14. 06. 2022.
Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Supreme Audit Office of the Republic of Srpska public sector and UN Women
30. 05. 2022.
Representative of the Main Audit Office participated in the work of the expert part of the EUROSAI Congress
30. 05. 2022.
The report of the Main Audit Office was presented at the Forum organized by UNDP
21. 04. 2022.
Students of the Faculty of Economics visited the Main Audit Office of the RS Public Sector