Representative of the Supreme Office for the Republic of Srpska Public Sector Auditing dr Bojan Ćurić – senior auditor for financial audit, attended a seminar on „Municipal Real Estate Management” and the fifth annual meeting of the EUROSAI TFMA for the audit of the municipalities in Becici (Montenegro).

The seminar was attended by representatives from 27 supreme audit institutions: Estonia, Israel, latvia, Lithuania, Northern Macedonia, Bulgaria, Spain, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Srpska, Turkey, Federation of Bosnia and Hercegovina, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Italy, Ukraine, Hungary, Malta, Georgia, Greece, Azerbaijan, Austria and Croatia discussed key irregularities in the audit of municipalities, in the field of real estate management, as well as the problems faced by municipalities during the pandemic. During the seminar, experiences on the mentioned topic were presented by domestic and international experts. The EUROSAI TFMA Municipal Audit Working Group prepared a Publication on the topic of the seminar, the results of which were presented to all participants in this event.

During the fifth Annual Meeting of the EUROSAI TFMA Working Group, the activities and results of the Working Group from the Work Plan for the period 2020-2021 were discussed, as well as future plans and activities for 2022.

Having in mind the importance of municipal audit, and in order to further develop the audit methodology, exchange best practices and experiences, international importance and contribute to the improvement of the municipal audit system, the Supreme Office for the Republic of Srpska Public Sector Auditing became a member of this working group in 2016.