The XXIII Congress of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) was held in Moscow from 25th till 28th September 2019, attended by Deputy of Auditor General Bozana Trninic on behalf of The Supreme Office for the Republic of Srpska Public Sector Auditing.

Two major topics were discussed at the Congress: Information technologies for the development of the public administration and Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in the achievement of the national priorities and goals, including Sustainable Development Goals.
Through the panel discussions, at the Congress also were discussed macro audit issues related to the strategic challenges of the global economy and international development, as well as the issue of sustainable development in the age of so-called „Great Disruption”, as well as possible solutions in line with existing technologies and tools provided for public sector management.

At the Congress also was presented the process of translating the Framework of International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI Framework) into a new framework i.e. classification – the INTOSAI.