In accordance with the Law on Public Sector Audit of the Republic of Srpska (Articles 3 and 16), based on the proposal of the head of the Financial Audit Sector, and based on the estimated risk of materially significant errors and non-compliance, as well as the frequency of audits, the Supreme Audit Office of the Republic of Srpska Public Sector will conduct financial audits during 2025, i.e. audit of financial statements and compliance audit for 2024, of the following audit subjects (84):

1. Consolidated annual financial report for budget users of the Republic of Srpska (1),

2. Ministries and other beneficiaries of the budget of the Republic of Srpska (38)

3. Compulsory social insurance funds of the Republic of Srpska (4),

4. Local self-government units in the Republic of Srpska (22),

5. Public companies and public institutions in the Republic of Srpska (19).

In the period from 01.01.2025. until 31.07.2025. year (which represents the first part of the financial audit cycle), the audit of the financial statements and compliance audit of the following audit entities will be carried out (54):

NumberName of the subject of audit
1.Office of the President
2.National Assembly
3.Council of Peoples
4.General Secretariat of the Government
5.Ministry of Finance
6.Ministry of Interior
7.Ministry of Education and Culture
8.Ministry of Justice
9.Ministry of Family, Youth, and Sports
10.Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government
11.Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society
12.Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
13.Ministry of Energy and Mining
14.Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management
15.Ministry of Transport and Communications
16.Ministry of Trade and Tourism
17.Ministry of Spatial Planning, Construction and Ecology
18.Ministry of Labor, War Veterans and Disabled Persons’ Protection
19.Ministry for European Integration and International Cooperation
20.Ministry of Economy and Entrepreneurship
21.Secretariat for Refugees and Migrations
22.Tax Administration
23.Administration for geodetic and property-legal affairs
24.Agency for Agrarian Payments
25.Fund for pension and disability insurance
26.Health Insurance Fund
27.Children’s Protection Fund
28.Employment Office
29.Consolidated annual financial report for budget users of the Republic of Srpska
30.Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka
31.Faculty of Philosophy, University of Banja Luka
32.Faculty of Forestry, University of Banja Luka
33.Faculty of Agriculture, University of East Sarajevo
34.Faculty of Pedagogy, University of East Sarajevo
35.Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of East Sarajevo
36.Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of the University of Banja Luka
37.Faculty of Mining, University of Banja Luka
38.Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, University of Banja Luka
39.PHA Prijedor City Pharmacy
40.PI Construction School Banja Luka
41.PI Agricultural School Banja Luka
42.PI High School Gradiska
43.Municipality of Jezero
44.Municipality of Petrovac
45.Municipality of Ribnik
46.Municipality of Knezevo
47.Municipality of Kostajnica
48.Municipality of Kupres
49.Municipality of Milici
50.Municipality of Mrkonjic Grad
51.Municipality of Rudo
52.Municipality of Stanari
53.Municipality of Istocni Stari Grad
54.Municipality of Sekovici

In the second part of the financial audit cycle in the period from August 1, 2025. until 31.12.2025. the audit of the financial statements and compliance audit of the following audit entities will be conducted (30):

R.br.Naziv subjekta revizije
1.City of Trebinje
2.City of Doboj
3.City of Gradiska
4.City of Derventa
5.Municipality of Vlasenica
6.Municipality of Istocno Novo Sarajevo
7.Municipality of Istocna Ilidza
8.Municipality of Rogatica
9.Municipality of Ljubinje
10.Municipality of Nevesinje
11.Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Istocno Sarajevo
12.Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Istocno Sarajevo
13.Faculty of Production and Management, University of Istocno Sarajevo
14.Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, University of Istocno Sarajevo
15.Music Academy of the University of Istocno Sarajevo
16.PE “Forests of the Republic of Srpska” Sokolac
17.PHI Trebinje Hospital
18.PHI Trebinje City Pharmacy
19.PHI City pharmacy Istocno Sarajevo
20.Mechanical Engineering School Prijedor
21.PI School of Economics Bijeljina
22.PI High School Center “Petar Kocic” Zvornik
23.PI Technical School Trebinje
24.PI High School “Jovan Ducic” Doboj
25.PI Native Museum of Gradiska
26.PI National Library of Samac
27.PI Tourist Organization Bratunac
28.PI National Library “Branko Radicevic” Derventa
29.PI Center of secondary schools “Ivo Andric” Prnjavor
30.PI Tourist Organization of the Municipality of Novi Grad

In addition to the aforementioned audit activities in 2025, the Supreme Audit Office will also conduct audit activities to check the status of recommendations given in previous periods, guided by the criteria of the oldest audited period and the availability of resources.

In accordance with the available human resources (38 financial audit auditors) in both the first and second cycle of financial audits, the management of the Supreme Audit Office will form teams to conduct audits.

The general focus of the audit in all planned entities of the public sector will be on the implementation of the recommendations given in previous reports, the alignment of planning and spending of budget and other public funds – execution of the budget (financial plan), and on the accuracy and fair presentation of total assets and liabilities and business results, in accordance with the requirements of the financial reporting framework. Additional audit focuses and business compliance will be specified for each individual audit of a public sector entity, and defined by team leaders with the agreement of the Supreme Audit Office management.

The specific goals and sub-goals of individual financial audits will be defined by the team leaders, in accordance with the results of the preliminary tests, the assessment of the internal control system of the audited subject, the amount of total assessed risk, the level of quantitative and qualitative materiality elements.


Performance audit engagements are planned in accordance with the established strategic directions and priorities of performance audit in the Strategic Plan of the Supreme Audit Office for the period 2021-2025, and based on the Law on Public Sector Audit of the Republic of Srpska and INTOSAI professional announcements, .

The Supreme Audit Office of the Republic of Srpska public sector determines the areas and topics of the performance audit based on the criteria from INTOSAI professional publications. The criteria for selecting performance audit topics are: special interest and importance for society and citizens, significant involvement of human, material and financial resources, pronounced risks of uneconomical, ineffectiveness and inefficiency, space and need for improvements and improvements in the success of programs, processes and activities in the public sector . In this way, it is possible for the audit to provide qualitative new value for the community, public sector and citizens.

In accordance with the established areas and capacities of performance audit (14 auditors) in the Supreme Audit Office in 2025, six performance audit engagements are planned:

  • Water distribution management;
  • Functioning of concessions;
  • Measures and activities to improve safety at work;
  • Management of public parking lots and garages;
  • Functioning of free legal aid;
  • System of internal financial controls in local self-government units.

Performance audit audit engagements include several public sector institutions that have certain roles, jurisdictions and responsibilities in relation to established performance audit topics and cover a longer period of time, i.e. more accounting periods. Audit engagements are conducted through two phases: the pre-study phase (preliminary examination and planning of the main study) and the main study phase. The planned completion time of the planned audtis is in the period July – December 2025. The specific time of completion of each audit will be determined by the Pre-Study Memorandum with the plan of the main study as the basic planning document in the performance audit and decisions on the implementation of the main study. 

In addition to the aforementioned audits, the Supreme Audit Office of the Republika Srpska public sector plans to conduct four follow-up reviews of the implementation of recommendations from performance audit reports from previous years:

• Performance audit report “Management of public lighting in the Republic of Srpska” (published in 2020),

• Performance audit report “Functioning of the environmental protection system” (published in 2020),

• Performance audit report “Effectiveness of hail protection in Republic of Srpska” (published in 2020),

• Performance audit report “Planning and reporting in public enterprises” (published in 2021).

The subsequent review of the implementation of the recommendations enables an insight into the measures and activities undertaken by the institutions competent and responsible for the implementation of the recommendations, the results of the implemented measures and activities, as well as the determination of the status of the recommendations. 

NOTE: The Annual audit plan for the year 2025 was prepared cautiously, due to the fact that the management of the Supreme Audit Office in 2025 has 38 financial auditors available (compared to last year when there were 43 financial auditors available) and 14 auditors performance (compared to last year when 16 performance auditors were available). In addition to the above, an additional element of risk is the fact that the mandate of the Auditor General and the Deputy Auditor General expires in 2025.